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  • How to Get Secure Token using RS256 Algorithm in Java Springboot?

    How to Get Secure Token using RS256 Algorithm in Java Springboot?

    Introduction: In today’s blog post, we will explore a Java method for generating secure JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) using the RS256 algorithm. JWTs are commonly used for authentication and authorization in web applications. The RS256 algorithm employs asymmetric cryptography, utilizing a private key to sign the token and a public key to verify its authenticity.…

  • How To Reverse Engineer Database Schema and Table To Generate A Java Entity Hibernate Classes.

    How To Reverse Engineer Database Schema and Table To Generate A Java Entity Hibernate Classes.

    Hibernate provides a tool called “Hibernate Reverse Engineering” that allows you to generate Java entity classes and Hibernate mapping files from an existing database schema. The process involves using the Hibernate Tools or the Hibernate Reverse Engineering Tool. Using Hibernate Tools: Add Required Libraries: Make sure you have the Hibernate libraries in your project. This…

  • 250 ways to improve Java Performance

    250 ways to improve Java Performance

    Improving Java performance is a broad topic, and there are numerous ways to optimize Java applications. Below are 50 key techniques categorized into different areas, totaling 250 ways to improve Java performance. Remember that the effectiveness of these techniques can vary depending on your specific application and requirements. Java Code Optimization Memory Management Multithreading and…

  • Lists of all the HTTP Status Code You must Know.

    Lists of all the HTTP Status Code You must Know.

    HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) defines a wide range of status codes to communicate the status of requests made by clients to web servers. Here is a list of the top 200 HTTP status codes with their detailed descriptions: This list covers the top 62 HTTP status codes. Note that there are more status codes in…

  • What is there besides HTML in the world of Markup Language?

    What is there besides HTML in the world of Markup Language?

    Before going into the list first we need to understand what defines a language as a Markup. A markup language is typically characterized by its syntax and purpose. Here are some key factors that determine if a language can be considered a markup language: Now to the lists of Markup Languages: It’s important to note…

  • What are the 50 Differences Between WebLogic and OpenShift?

    What are the 50 Differences Between WebLogic and OpenShift?

    WebLogic and OpenShift are two different technologies used in the deployment and management of applications. Here are 50 key differences between WebLogic and OpenShift: These are just some of the key differences between WebLogic and OpenShift, highlighting their contrasting approaches to application deployment, management, and scaling. It’s important to consider your specific requirements and use…

  • What are the 50 differences between Neo4j and Cassandra?

    What are the 50 differences between Neo4j and Cassandra?

    Neo4j and Cassandra are two popular databases that excel in different areas of data storage and retrieval. Here are 50 differences between Neo4j and Cassandra: These differences highlight the contrasting strengths and focuses of Neo4j and Cassandra. Neo4j excels in handling complex graph-based relationships and traversals, while Cassandra shines in providing high scalability, availability, and…

  • What are 100 differences between Java Serialization vs Java Deserialization?

    What are 100 differences between Java Serialization vs Java Deserialization?

    Serialization and deserialization are two fundamental processes in computer science used for data storage, communication, and object manipulation. Here are 100 differences between serialization and deserialization: These differences highlight the diverse aspects and capabilities of serialization and deserialization processes in various contexts, ranging from data storage and communication to object manipulation and system interoperability.

  • What are 25 differences between ActiveMQ and IBM WebSphere?

    What are 25 differences between ActiveMQ and IBM WebSphere?

    ActiveMQ and IBM WebSphere are both popular messaging systems used in enterprise environments. Here are 25 differences between ActiveMQ and IBM WebSphere: These differences highlight the distinctions between ActiveMQ and IBM WebSphere, including factors such as licensing, feature sets, scalability, performance, administrative tools, integration options, and vendor support. The choice between the two depends on…

  • What are the 50 benefits of using Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) in a project?

    What are the 50 benefits of using Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) in a project?

    Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) is a cloud-native platform that enables organizations to build, deploy, and scale applications with ease. It abstracts away the complexities of infrastructure management and provides a streamlined development experience. PCF offers features like automated deployment, scalability, high availability, and integration with DevOps practices. It empowers teams to focus on application development,…